jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Study Guide for Extraordinary Exam

If you have to do the extraordinary, I recommend you study the following topics:

* Past participles of irregular verbs
* Simple past tense
* Contrasting simple past and present perfect
* Passive voice
* Simple present
* Present continuous
* Frequency adverbs
* Occupations
* Fruits and vegetables
* Numbers (written form)

Si necesitas de mi ayuda, estaré en el colegio de lunes a viernes de 8:30 a 2:30. Con gusto te apoyaré en lo que necesites.

Good luck!!!

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Study Guide for Fifth Bimester


-Past partciples, especially irregular verbs.
-Present perfect and simple past
-Passive voice---> You want to do really good? Use the links and answer these exercises. Bring them to class and I'll help you :)
Past passive voice: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/passive/exercises?simple-past
Present continuous passive voice: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/passive/exercises?present-progressive
Present perfect passive voice: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/passive/exercises?present-perfect
-Present perfect (itself) in negative, affirmative and question form. Use this link to practice: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-perfect-simple/exercises
-Changing sentences into affirmative, negative and question form.

- Since and for. Use this link: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/since-for
- Great, big, tall, large, and high.
- Sports
- Little/ few. Use this link: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/little-few/exercises


I recommend to study this list of vocabulary. The words you don't know, use the internet or a bilingual dictionary.

injured/ injury
steering wheel
beer cans
rattle off

Study hard and good luck!!!

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

Homework May 10-14

Monday 10: Unit 18 exercise 4 and 5
Tuesday 11: Unit 21
Wednesday 12: Write five sentences using just, already and yet in your notebook. (15 in total)
Thursday 13: Unit 24
Friday 14: Unit 25

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Study Guide for Fourth Bimester

1.-May and might LINK 1: http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/407.html
2.-Future real condition LINK 2: http://www.englishpage.com/conditional/futureconditional.html
3.-Simple past and negative questions LINK 3: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/pastnq.htm
4.-Past continuous LINK 4: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/past-progressive
5.-Past continuous and simple past LINK 5: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simpas-paspro
6.-Have you ever…? ( present perfect) LINK 6: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-perfect-simple
7.-How long have you…? LINK 7: http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/presentperfectcontinuous/exercise4.swf
8.-For, since, ago LINK 18: http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-49804.php
9.-Present perfect and simple past LINK 9: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simpas-preper
10.-Just, yet, already LINK 10: http://www.egeacademy.com/blog/exercises/present-perfect-tense-with-just-already-yet/
11.-Passive voice: simple past, simple present, present continuous, present pe
rfect. LINK 11: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/passiv.htm
12.-Be, have, and do in present and past LINK 12: http://www.tolearnenglish.com/cgi2/myexam/liaison.php?liaison=_auxiliaire_
13.- Regular and irregular verbs LINK 13: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/irregular-verbs
14.-Can and could LINK 14: http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-47086.php

1.- Identifying word forms
2.- Synonyms
3.-Phrasal verbs
4.- Identifying positive and negative connotations
5.- Understanding words from context
6.- Expressions
7.- Transportation
8.- Animals
9.- Sports
1.- Skimming for the main idea
2.- Identifying pronoun differences
3.- Scanning for specific information
4.- Identifying reasons
5.- Getting meaning from context
6.- Reading for main ideas
7.- Categorizing
8.- Identifying causes and effects
9.- Making predictions
10.- Identifying pronoun references
11.- Comparing and contrasting
12.- Identifying supporting details and the concluding sentence of an article

1.- Understanding parts of a paragraph
2.- Writing about a place
3.- Describing a place using sensory details
4.- Organizing ideas with a chart
5.- Writing about problems and solutions
6.- Organizing ideas with a mind map
7.- Giving advice or making suggestions
8.- Writing a letter
9.- Categorizing information and ideas
10.- Supporting predictions with reasons
11.- Using direct quotations
12.- Writing about classmates’ spending habits
1.- Starting conversation
2.- Asking about and expressing preferences
3.- Agreeing and disagreeing
4.- Doing a survey about preferences
5.- Offering, accepting and declining invitations
6.- Expressing sympathy and concern
7.- Hesitating and refusing politely
8.- Asking for reasons

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Writing exam

Descripción del exámen escrito del cuarto bimestre

Puntos importantes a considerar:

1. Hay que hacer la actividad en tu cuaderno de inglés, al final de todos los trabajos de clase y con el título: Fourth Bimester Writing Exam y como subtítulo A Person and Secrets.

2. Entregar a más tardar el lunes 26 de abril antes de tu exámen de las 12:30 en el salón de inglés. Si lo entregas después, se te bajará un punto completo por cada día de retraso, o sea, si lo entregas el martés, ya no se te calificará sobre 10 sino sobre 9 y así consecutivamente.

3. Investigar sobre el personaje de quien escribirás.

Como hacer el escrito:

a. Elegir un personaje que admiras (puede ser famoso o no).
b. Investigar todo lo que puedas sobre ese personaje (fechas importantes, logros, actividades, etc.).
c. Escribir sobre él o ella incluyendo lo que investigaste EN TUS PROPIAS PALABRAS.
d. Usa mucho el pasado simple (simple past) ya que te enfocarás mucho sobre el pasado de la persona.
e. Escribir un mínimo de tres párrafos. En el primero, incluir un introducción del personaje (información general), en el segundo, los logros, estudios, reconocimientos, etc. Y en el tercer párrafo, una explicación de porque admiras a esta persona. Recuerda: cada párrafo debe tener un mínimo de cinco líneas.
f. Agrega una imagen del personaje al final del escrito. Ten en cuenta que entre mejor sea la presentación, mayor puntaje obtendrás.

Cualquier duda que tengas acércate conmigo. Entrégalo a tiempo para evitar contratiempos y ten en consideración que en esta ocasión también se aprovechará para calificar tu cuaderno para sacar tu calificación formativa.


lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Guía de estudio para examen de cuarto bimestre


-Verbos en pasado simple (simple past tense), sobre todo irregulares.
-Contraste entre simple past and past continuous.
-Comparación entre "have got" y "have"
-Present perfect.
-Diferencia "will" y "going to"


-Sinónimos vistos en clase.
-Phrasal verbs.
-Positive and negative connotations.

*Para el examen de reading, te recomiendo que leas todas las lecturas que tuvimos en clase.

Good luck and study very hard!

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Homework March 16 to 19

Tuesday 16: Exercise 14.2
Wednesday 17: Exercise 15.3
Thursday 18: Make a map of your neighborhood.
Friday 19: Write a description of your neighborhood using “there is ” and “there are”

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Homework March 1 to 5

Monday 1: Writing about you and your routine. 8 lines in your notebook. Title: Me and My Routine.
Tuesday 2: Exercise 11.4 and 11.5
Wednesday 3: Write 10 sentences in the past in your notebook.
Thursday 4: Exercise 12.4 and 12.5
Friday 5: Writing a conversation talking about past activities in your notebook.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

Homework for February 22 - 26

Monday 22: Answer exercise 8.3
Tuesday 23: Bring exam signed by a parent or tutor
Wednesday 24: Exercise 9.3 and 9.4
Thursday 25: Exercise 10.3 and 10.4

Guideline for fourth bimester

Hello!!! Welcome to our blog!

This is everything we will be seeing in this period:

Middle school Fourth bimester guideline


1.-Verbs in simple past (regular and irregular verbs)
2.-Simple past negative and questions
3.-Past continuous
4.-Simple past and past continuous
5.-Used to
6.-Present perfect
7.- For, since, and ago
8.-Present perfect and simple past
9.-Just, yet, and already
10.-Present and past passive voice
11.- Present continuous and present perfect passive
12.-Be, have, and do in present and past
13.-Regular and irregular verbs
14. Present continuous for future plans
15.-Going to
16.- Will
18.-Can and could
21.- Have to
22.- Would you like...? I'd like...
23.- I'd rather...
24.-Imperatives and suggestions
25.- There is/are

1.- Identifying word forms
2.- Synonyms
3.-Phrasal verbs
4.- Identifying positive and negative connotations
5.- Understanding words from context
6.- Expressions
7.- Transportation
8.- Food
9.- Animals
10.- Sports
11.- Outer space

1.- Skimming for the main idea
2.- Identifying pronoun differences
3.- Scanning for specific information
4.- Identifying reasons
5.- Getting meaning from context
6.- Reading for main ideas
7.- Categorizing
8.- Identifying causes and effects
9.- Making predictions
10.- Identifying pronoun references
11.- Comparing and contrasting
12.- Identifying supporting details and the concluding sentence of an article


1.- Understanding parts of a paragraph
2.- Writing about a place
3.- Describing a place using sensory details
4.- Organizing ideas with a chart
5.- Writing about problems and solutions
6.- Organizing ideas with a mind map
7.- Giving advice or making suggestions
8.- Writing a letter
9.- Categorizing information and ideas
10.- Supporting predictions with reasons
11.- Using direct quotations
12.- Writing about classmates’ spending habits


1.- Starting conversation
2.- Asking about and expressing preferences
3.- Agreeing and disagreeing
4.- Doing a survey about preferences
5.- Offering, accepting and declining invitations
6.- Expressing sympathy and concern
7.- Hesitating and refusing politely
8.- Asking for reasons